Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Lack of Significance in a Significant Other

How does one express their sense of insignificance? With life, love, friends, and everything else that we believe is supposed to make us feel whole? And when it comes to the point that enough bravery, guts, and gloomy glory has been gathered... there is no one there to unleash yourself for. No one who will reassure your significance in their life. No one who will listen and help create an idea or plan of action for change. Change. Why is change so often spoken of, yet never enforced? Accepted? Maintained? Why is love exchanged for lust? Why is trust traded with guilt? Having the willpower to speak up is brave, but expecting a different outcome each time is idiocy.

Am I the idiot?

More could be said, but less would be understood.
Peace and acceptance could be done, but shedding tears is a truer reality.

Or at least it is mine.

More wants to be said, needs to be said. But the words seem to hold no value. No price. No significance.

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