Thursday, May 2, 2013

These past few days I have been feeling rather insecure. Maybe it is because summer seems to have surfaced, heat waves have flourished... and everyone is enjoying their thin, light summer attire.

Most of the things in my closest are heavy and dark. Better to cover and hide my flaws.

Earlier today, I lurked H&M in attempt to use the $6 discount card from my Wrapp app. Of course my excitement quickly wilted as soon as I went to the dressing room with my very few desired items (thanks to them not carrying anything more than mediums and very, very few large sizes... extra large does not even exist there).

Felt so big.

Nothing hugged me flatteringly.

Oh and I have also learned why my parents "trust" me so much while I am away from their home and they reassure their friends in confidence that I am incredibly religious and have committed the littlest of sins. Apparently their confidence stems from the belief that males will not be interested in a chubby girl.

...And apparently my thinner siblings, the apparently "more attractive" offspring, cannot move out. Oh but I can.

So yes. I have been feeling insecure and hating my existence. Blah.

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