Friday, December 23, 2011

I guess ShoutMix is going out of the window

So I got a long ass e-mail from my shoutbox provider...

"I have two choices. One, allow ShoutMix to become unsustainable. This is bad news for everyone. The other choice is to stop our free service. It is becoming obvious that this is where ShoutMix should go. And so, ShoutMix is not going to be free any more.

Existing users will be able to continue using their accounts at no cost right now. The transition will begin within a few weeks. Eventually, users with free accounts will need to switch to a paying plan or stop using the service. The date is set at January 1, 2012. After this date, free accounts will stop working unless upgraded to a paid plan."

Oh well. Goodbye shoutbox area. I was getting annoyed of deleting posts from spammers anyway. Fuck it. o_O

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