Sunday, May 17, 2009

MaiMai's Online Quizzes

Personality Test - You are a HELPER WHO FINDS MISSING CHILDREN OVER THE INTERNET (SICF). You are very tentative in the world and introverted with people— which means you are the shy and silent type (hence the Internet.) But behind your reserved exterior lies a dedicated person with a passion for the concrete truth who wants to, in his heart of hearts, help find missing children. God bless you.

Real Gender Test - You are a MAN! Compared to other women who took this test, 66% are more feminine than you and men are only 28% more masculine than you.How do we know? Well, deep down, your gender affects everything about you, from your favorite number to your views on Canada. Many men who took the test think and act just like you, as you can see from the graph above. Statistically speaking, you are a man—whether you know it or not.

How Dateable Are You? - 60% Dateable!
That's lower than the Worldwide Dateability Average of 62%!
You are neither more nor less dateable than your peers— welcome to the land of mediocrity, home of the masses! You have an undeniable animal magnetism, but you're just as likely to attract small animals as you are to attract human beings. Nevertheless, the people you flirt with generally find you funny and cute, or "fute." You have good hygiene, which is an imporant aspect of relationships involving two or more people. Avoid seafood and walks in the woods.

Friday, May 1, 2009


I am so frustrated right now, you have aboslutely no idea. I'm growing more and more tired and agitated of my family members and other people who do similar annoying things.
  • Whining. My family doesn't do this, but my classmates do. Seriously, wtf? The mean age is 19 and still you are whining about a particular fucking marker? Oh and my favorite, when someone sits somewhere and it pisses you off because you had planned for your posse to surround you and distract you during study group. Big fucking props to you, woohoo!
  • Laziness. So they both do this. I know I do this, too, but not so extensively. We've got dad who doesn't dare to make his own beverages and then you have the 19-somethings upset about walking two blocks or grabbing an extra math book. Do they really think the real world is so easy?
  • Dirty. OK, so this is the last place for me. Anything dirty really is a nerve breaker for me. It's like squeezing limes over a wound that was already salted. My classmates DO NOT pick up after themselves. Soda cans, chips, snipped paper, you name it, is laying around the floor. My family suffers from this, too. I don't care if you don't make your bed, but leaving dirty dishes on the living room floor IS BEYOND ME. What ticked me off today was the bathroom. I came home needing to shower away the sweat from the warm day and I hear squish-squish at the soles of my Adidas. I look down and the damn rug is wet. I asked what happened and it turns out that the toilet over flowed for reasons no one will admit to. I think I finally lost it when I looked in the bathroom and the floor was still in puddles. NO ONE HAD THE COURTESY TO MOP IT UP OR POUR BLEACH ANYWHERE. I said, "so you guys just left it like that all day?" and the reply was, "Yep." What the fuck?
Can't wait to get out of here and live in complete bliss of cleanliness and rationality.